greetings from christchurch (cheech) new zealand!!!
we arrived late weds. night- the C-130 flight was lovely, when we landed and got off the plane in mactown the warm air was truly shocking !! we left -60 degrees and these people were wearing long sleeved t-shirts!! wow. we then boarded the C-17 and we were off on a 5 hour flight here. customs and the rest of the arrival process was a breeze and then we dropped off all our cold weather gear and got our accommodation assignments and we were off. yesterday was a weird day, i didn't really think about how the transition might be tough, and it was. it was difficult to come from such a small-tight knit community and then land here with so many people and the reality of money and food choices and finding myself lonely when separated from my ice pals. also, the van that i rented for us turned out not to be available, and i found this out on the eve of the biggest 3 day weekend 'waitangi day' (sp?) which is like their 4th of july (there was an awesome fireworks display last night in the park) - all vans were rented already, so i spent my 1st 24 hours off the ice stressed to find a van for us. i did finally, only to find that my debit card that i reserved it with had a lock on it, and we almost lost the last camper van in NZ !!! alas, everything worked out and today has been blissful, with the exception that many things are closed due to the holiday, and we have been trying to obtain provisions, as we leave in the morning. the weather has been amazing, the perfect temp and humidity levels, nothing but smiles. it's been grand to wander the city streets and stumble on random ice people, we really take this city over twice a year! my pal trudy and i are in a great hotel on cathedral square, with the church right outside our windows, quite a lovely welcome back to civilization!! but, we are all itching to get out of town...we will be camping for 7 days, driving the perimeter of the s. island, i will try to post something along the way... i know it will be breathtaking!! i think there will be 4-7 of us in a 2 seater van...classic. we really are so lucky to have had this experience, and to have all become so close, and continue sharing our time together is tops!! there is a common feeling that we are strangers in a strange land, purely because of what we've just experienced together. the kiwi's are a very kind and generous lot, and i'm sure that as we get out of the urban landscape the genuine warmth will only increase! the sun is setting and we're off to a beer garden to celebrate with the polies, because when we return next week they will all have scattered to and fro and a new group will have infiltrated, on friday the 13th!! oh, boy. i'll post photos soon, until then, i hope you all are having a lovely day and enjoying all you have!! -grace