Wednesday, May 4, 2011

why i'm here part 1

 auroras behind ARO

dancing on the flagline

super swirl

the station and auroras, this photo by Jens Dryer
all other photos by Christy Schultz

greetings from aurora central!
so far the end of april and beginning of may have provided stunning examples of the celestial shows i have been hungry for since i first decided to spend the winter at the south pole.  we all carry radios and have an aurora channel programmed in so that when anyone is outside and witnesses a show they can let the whole station know to get outside.

one of our community members recently received news from home that a family member has passed away.  this was truly my greatest fear when i decided to commit to 9 months here without the ability to leave if something tragic happened.  of course it is these terrible circumstances that awaken the spirit and bring a perspective that allows for all of us to appreciate each other.  i hope these images find you all well, please take a moment today to reflect on all the goodness in your life.  take care, karengrace


jj johnston said...

Beautiful pixs Grace, and of course, wise, life embracing words. So good to hear you are inspired and soaking up the beauty. Love that round, globe vibe of the pixs. Thanks for sharing. JJ

innermost said...

KG! these photos are beyond! it's as if we are looking into another universe. Hmmm.
Here the light grows even thru unspeakable endless rain & chill.but hey, it's the Vineyard!
Thinking of you ALL the time & hope your journal is becoming a book.
much love & warm hugs xo