Sunday, November 16, 2008

day off

greetings from my 1st day off!  it's early in the morning, but that's how this internet access works! i am feeling much better, i just needed a day to rest.  we got to go on a tour of the station yesterday with our awesome boss, shaggy.  we went to the power plant where 70% of the heat generated by the jet fuel engines to give us power is recirculated through the station for heat. our water comes straight from a hole they drill into the ice called a rodriguez well, then the water has to be treated because it is TOO pure!!! if it was not treated it would leach minerals from us, crazy! there is a long series of ice tunnels about 60 ft. under the station, a maze of pipes fill the tunnels, but we also got to venture into them, they remain at a constant temp of -65 degrees f.  there's work to be done down there, but they ask that we leave it for the winter-over people, because it is warmer down there in the winter than outside!! the dome that is visible from many shots of the station is used only for storage now, it used to house the station-buildings were placed inside the dome, they are all gone now.  the projected lifetime of the new station is 30 years. this is because of the extreme environment and snow accumulation that equals about 12 inches a year- give or take. the station is built on hydraulic columns so that it can be raised as the need arises. i am going to venture out and take some photos today, after brunch...yum! the food is so great!! the photos here will be from my tour yesterday!
enjoy, and i hope you're all having a lovely day! karengrace* 

* photos wouldn't post today, will try tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having difficulties figuring this out but will get it down soon.